Today's Headlines 7/31/04
* Hamid Karzai, president of Afghanistan, picked Mullah Omar as his running mate for the October presidential race. "Mullah Omar has experience running Afghanistan and brings balance to the ticket," a spokesman for Karzai said.
* The Department of Immigration has rewritten the history exam taken by immigrants who wish to become U.S. citizens. New questions include the following: "The greatest President in United States history was: a. George Jetson; b. Ronald Reagan; c. Fred Flintstone; d. William Henry Harrison ; e. John kerry is a liberal flip-flopper and if you vote for him you will be deported."; "Americans are guaranteed the right to: a. vote unless they are convicted felons or if they are black and their names sound like convicted felons; b. bear arms; c. donate $2000 to the president's reelection campaign; d. all of the above ; e. John kerry is a liberal flip-flopper and if you vote for him you will be deported."; "John Kerry was born in France and will increase your taxes and is a flip-flopper and a liberal: a. True; b. True"; "George W. Bush won the 2000 election because: a. he received more popular votes; b. he received more electoral votes; c. he was anointed and chosen by god to reduce taxes; d. all of the above; e. John kerry is a liberal flip-flopper and if you vote for him you will be deported."; "George Washington and Abraham Lincoln is they were alive today would: a. endorse George Bush for president; b. always vote republicans because Democrats are terrorists; c. donate $2000 to the Bush campaign; d. all of the above ; e. John kerry is a liberal flip-flopper and if you vote for him you will be deported."; The best way to ensure that you pass this test is to: a. donate $2000, the maximum limit, to the Bush campaign; b. kill your children so that John Kerry can drink their blood; c. flip-flop on all the answer the way John Kerry flip-flops on issues; d. none of the above; e. John kerry is a liberal flip-flopper and if you vote for him you will be deported."
* Palestinian leader Yasir Arafat and his prime minister, Ahmed Qurei, hugged, kissed and publicly declared their love for one another in a same-sex marriage ceremony held in Massachusetts. Neither Israel nor the Palestinian Authority recognize same-sex marriages.
* The United States and France signed a peace treaty today as four French citizens held at Guantanamo Bay were returned to France. The war in France, which led to a logistical and political quagmire, was declared over as the United State installed an interim government in Paris.