g The Post Times Tribune: Headlines 2/1/07

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Headlines 2/1/07

* Delaware Senator Joe Biden's announcement that he was running for president in 2008 was overshadowed by missteps made in his announcement speech. During the speech Biden said that Illinois Senator Barak Obama was the "first electable nigger the democrat party put forth since Lyndon Johnson." Biden also referred to New York Senator Hillary Clinton as "a stupid cunt" and to former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani as "that New York Jew." Ordinarily candidates do not mention their opponents when they declare their candidacy. It is speculated that Biden was hoping for press coverage of his announcement after the release about his announcement press conference only drew on reporter from the Delaware Coast Press. Biden is currently polling below Dennis Kucinich, who he referred to in his announcement as "Shorty McShortshort."

* France's President Jacques Chirac said this week that if Iran developed nuclear weapons that it was okay because Iranian missiles cannot travel farther than 500 air miles and it is 2600 miles between Tehran and Paris. He also suggested that if Israel and Iran destroyed each other that no countries would care. President Chirac later stated that his remarks were off the record and therefore under French law didn't count.

* The Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction reported Wednesday that even though over $100 billion that had been budgeted for the reconstruction of Iraq since 2003, the country was still a disaster. For example, despite $12 billion being spent to track down all the office furniture plundered during the initial looting in 2003, about 15,000 of 16,000 office chairs are still missing. Bechtel, which had the chair recovery contract, stated that it was very pleased that it had tracked down approximately one thousand missing chairs. The cost, which is about twelve million dollars per chair, has been shared by the American taxpayer and Iraqi ministries.

* Former New York Times reporter Judith Miller testified today in the trial of I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby Jr., Vice President Dick Cheney's former chief of staff. Libby is on trial for perjury and obstruction of justice. According to Miller's testimony, on July 8, 2003, she met Libby for lunch. Libby had a Cobb salad, she ate a chicken wrap, and Libby told her that Valerie Plame Wilson, Joe Wilson's wife, suggested that Wilson make the trip to Niger. At the original grand jury, Libby testified that when he had lunch with Miller he ate a grilled cheese sandwich and Miller was the one who told him about Valerie Plame Wilson. On cross-examination, Libby's attorney asked Miller how Libby could have ordered a Cobb salad when he is allergic to avocados, an ingredient in Cobb salads. On redirect examination Patrick J. Fitzgerald, the Special Prosecutor, pointed out that Libby is only allergic to Florida avocados and that Libby is not allergic to California avocados, which were used in that restaurant's recipe. Fitzgerald also produced an affidavit from Libby's mother, stating that Libby is lactose intolerant and has not eaten a cheese sandwich since he was eight years old. Miller was the 729th person to testify that she was told by Libby that Valerie Plame Wilson was a CIA agent.


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